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Introducing ClickBank SocialPromote!

We’re very proud to present SocialPromote, a fast and easy new way to share the ClickBank products you like with your friends and earn affiliate commissions at the same time.

When you visit the ClickBank Marketplace, you’ll now see the option to “Like” any product in the Marketplace. Make sure you’re logged in to your ClickBank account, then click “Like.” Your Facebook friends will see in their news feed that you like the product. The best part is that the link they see contains a HopLink with your affiliate ID automatically embedded, so if any of your friends visit the site and buy the product, you’ll get the same affiliate commission as if you posted a HopLink manually!

It’s incredibly easy, and is a great way to share the products you love and get rewarded for it. If you haven’t tried it yet, log in to your account and visit our Marketplace to try it now! We plan to add more social sharing services to SocialPromote in the future. If there are any services you’d like to see included, please leave a comment and tell us which ones you’d like to use.

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