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Safe guiding of Important Login Info is one very Important thing any Serious Internet Users care about such as Email Logins, Bank Infos, Credit Card Information etc

Firefox can save usernames and passwords that you use to access online services, such as banking and email websites. If you share a computer with anyone, it is recommended that you use a Master Password. If you don't use a Master Password to block Access to some certain area then you're Jeopardising your Internet life.

You know what, If you share your PC with many other people, Quickly do this so you can now how Important the Master Password is and how it can save you.

Open your Mozilla Firefox Browser > Click on the Menu or Orange Firefox button above > Option > Security > Then click on the Saved Passwords Button, You should see the List of Website Address you've Visited and their Password, Anyone can get your Login details to Important Website with the Step above, How can you Block Access to it so they wont be able to Access it? '

Firefox can save usernames and passwords that you use to access online services, such as banking and email websites. If you share a computer with anyone, it is recommended that you use a master password so the person won't have access to your saved details. Follow the Steps below:-

1. At the Top of the Firefox window, click on the Orange Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP) and then click Options

2. Click the Security panel.

3. Tick "Use a Master Password".

4. The Change Master Password dialog appears. As you enter your master password, the Password quality meter indicates the difficulty of guessing the password. To create a quality password, your master password should include the following:

* At least one capital letter.
* One or more digits.
* At least one non-alphanumeric character, such as the following: @ # $ % ^ & * ( ).
* Also, remember to make your password something that is easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess to ensure that you, and only you, will be able to retrieve this secure information.

5. The password must be entered twice to confirm that you can enter it consistently

6. To set the master password, click OK.

7. The master password is defined.

You can decide to change or remove your master password at any time, Just follow the Steps below to get that done easily.

1. At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP) and then click Options

2. Click the Security panel.

3. Click Change Master Password.

4. Enter the current password to confirm you are authorized to change it. If you've forgotten your master password, see How to Reset your Master Password Here if you've forgotten it.

5. Enter the new master password Twice. [To remove the master password, leave the new master password fields empty.]

6. To accept the changed master password, click OK.

7. The master password is changed.

Some of Us might not find this Tutorial Interesting but if you're a Serious Internet users, Its a Key to Safeguard your Information from Intruders.

After you have defined a master password, you will be prompted to enter it once Firefox or anyone needs to access your stored passwords.

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