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  • Coronavirus - Background and Symptoms
  • Signs and Symptoms of Coronaviruses - General Overview
  • Common human coronaviruses usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with these viruses at some point in their lives. These illnesses usually only last for a short amount of time. Symptoms may include:
    • Runny nose
    • Headache 
    • Cough
    • Sore throat 
    • Fever
    • General feeling of being unwell
  • Human coronaviruses can sometimes cause lower-respiratory tract illnesses, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. This is more common in people with cardiopulmonary disease, people with weakened immune systems, infants, and older adults. 

CoronaVirus Intro

·         Background:

December 31st  2019 
WHO was alerted to several cases of pneumonia in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. The virus did not match any other known virus. 

January 7th 2020
Chinese authorities confirmed that they had identified a new virus. The new virus is a coronavirus, which is a family of viruses that include the common cold, and viruses such as SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). This new virus was temporarily named “2019-nCoV.” 

February 28th 2020 
WHO stated its risk assessment worldwide for the Coronavirus was now "very high".
Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.  Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans. This new strain of conoravirus has been officially referred to as the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
WHO has been working with Chinese authorities and global experts from the day they were informed, to learn more about the virus, how it affects the people who are sick with it, how they can be treated, and what countries can do to respond.


Find Hidden Cameras in Your Airbnb, and Anywhere Else

It’s alarming on recent reports of Airbnb hosts installing hidden cameras in their properties but not disclosing them to the guests staying there. Back in January Fast Companyreported on a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University who discovered two hidden cameras recording him and his family in an Airbnb. And just last month The Atlantic reported on a New Zealand family who was renting an Airbnb in Ireland and found they were being live-streamed from a hidden security camera.
Unfortunately, these aren’t isolated incidents and in response to increasing reports of guests finding hidden cameras in their Airbnb rentals, Airbnb says they are cracking down on hosts who don’t disclose hidden cameras in their property listings.
Yet just because Airbnb has a policy forbidding hosts from hiding cameras in their property without informing their guests, that’s no guarantee all hosts are complying. So if you don’t like the idea that you could possibly be being spied on in the comfort of your Airbnb — or wherever else you’re staying — is there anything you can do besides taking the host at his word that there are no cameras on the property? Thankfully, yes.
Keep an eye out for any odd-looking gadgets
Let’s start with the most basic deterrent: keep your eyes open for any odd-looking gadgets in your Airbnb. Gadgets that look bulky or out of place in their surroundings may contain a hidden camera.

Admittedly, it’s not the easiest thing to spot a gadget containing a hidden camera that looks out of place, because cameras have become so small, they can be hidden in virtually any device — and ones anyone can buy on Amazon. Here’s just a small sample of the types of devices you can buy on Amazon with cameras hidden in them: alarm clockswall clockssmoke detectorsplantsmirrorslight bulbsspeakers, and even USB wall plugs.
Still, if you see an alarm clock in a bathroom or some other place you wouldn’t expect one to be, that could be a tip-off that something is amiss. Similarly, if you see any devices, such as a USB wall plug pointed directly at a bed or shower, something could be up.
When trying to visually spot gadgets with hidden cameras, keep an eye out for devices that have a clean, unobstructed line of sight.
Use a flashlight to check for camera lenses
Another trick to use to visually spot hidden cameras is the flashlight trick. A hidden camera necessitates that its lens is embedded in a regular object. Usually, that lens is made of glass and the object it’s hidden in is made of plastic or other non-glass materials.
Glass is generally more reflective than other materials, so the lenses of hidden cameras can be rather easy to spot if you shine a light around a room. The small camera lens should be more reflective than the surface of the surrounding object.
So it’s worth giving your Airbnb a once over with your smartphone’s flashlight. Turn out all the lights in the Airbnb and activate your flashlight. Slowly do a few sweeps of every room looking for any small, bright flashes of light relative to the surrounding area. If you spot any coming from an object, examine it more closely. You may have just found a hidden camera.
Use Wi-Fi-sniffing apps to check for smart devices
Unfortunately, the above visual checks of an Airbnb aren’t always enough to spot hidden cameras, even for the keen-eyed person. The good news is there’s an even better way to identify hidden cameras.
Virtually all modern hidden cameras, especially the types like the ones listed above, use wireless technology to connect to the router in the Airbnb so they can stream the footage over the internet where the host can view it remotely. But the very fact that these devices are covertly using a wireless signal to stream footage online makes them vulnerable to detection.
Smartphone users can use apps like Fing (available for both iOS and Android) that can display all the wireless devices connected to a Wi-Fi network. So after arriving at your Airbnb and connecting to the host’s wireless network, whip out Fing and give that network a scan. It’ll show your device and any other connected to that same network.
While Fing and similar apps can’t always identify what types of devices are connected (is it a hidden camera or just a wireless printer?) the app can display the MAC address of the connected device, which can give you a hint as to what the connected device is. Simply enter the MAC address of any identified gadget at to see who the manufacturer is and white type of device the MAC belongs to.
Use an RF detector
Of course, Fing and apps like it will only reveal connected hidden cameras if they are on the same wireless network as your smartphone. However, if the host has a second private wireless network that you don’t have access too, apps like Fing aren’t going to help you spot hidden cameras.
In that case, your only solution is to use a dedicated piece of hardware known as an RF detector. All wireless devices give off a radio frequency (RF) — it’s what allows Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to exist. An RF detector can hone in on devices emitting these RF signals, showing you where they are located in an Airbnb.
RF detectors are small handheld devices that can also be purchased on Amazon. They’ll usually set you back about $30 to $50 depending on the model you buy. But they’re worth the cash if you’re worried about shady Airbnb hosts watching you traipse around their property half undressed after taking a shower.
Using an RF detector is simple: just sweep it around the room. If it starts beeping repeatedly, it’s found a wireless signal coming from some device. Move the RF detector in the direction that makes the beeps increase until you spot the likely culprit. If the RF detector is going crazy by a potted plant or smoke detector, chances are good there’s a hidden camera inside.
What to do if you find a hidden camera
The first thing you should do if you find an undisclosed hidden camera in your Airbnb is contact both the host and Airbnb directly and report the camera. It’s up to you if you also want to file a police report. Hidden camera laws vary by state and country.
If you can’t immediately get a hold of the host and feel comfortable staying in the Airbnb for the time being, consider unplugging the hidden camera if it has a power cord, which should be enough to stop the camera from working (provided it doesn’t have an internal battery). If you don’t see any kind of plug, you can also simply place an object in front of or over the camera.
Finally, it’s not just cameras you should keep an eye out for. As smart speakers like the Amazon Echo and Google Home become ubiquitous, you should keep an eye out for these too. While the host might be including the smart speaker in the rental for non-nefarious purposes, remember that all smart speakers have microphones, so it’s conceivable that someone with enough know-how could use these devices to listen in on your conversations remotely.


6 Tested and Most Trusted Websites to Earn Money Online.

Trust Me you won't regret 

Online earning is one of the latest trend to earn lot of money right from your home. Technology has brought it to people. This made  most of the unemployed people to get employed. Youngsters who have completed their schooling will have certain period gap between schooling and university studies for enjoying the vacation. They may use their vacation with a good and profitable manner. I have listed below the profitable and more trusted sites which could be used to earn lot of money from them by working. The delivery of your money may change according to the site you work with. Most of the sites uses Paypal or check for payment.

Google Adsense:

The best way to earn money is by running a website and putting Google Ads in it. A big company which can be trusted more. If the child have best writing skills, then he may run a blog, publishing the things what he know or the stuff he learns. Buying a website has become more affordable to everyone. Websites are available at cheaper rates and it can be used to earn lot of money from Google. A better knowledge in SEO and web development is required but a best blogger is certified only through his writing skills. The earned money will be delivered to you via check directly to your house address.
Here is the Link ==>

Amazon Mechanical Turk: provides users an opportunity to earn money by doing people’s work. People who want to finish their work will submit here by fixing a rate for that work. When you complete it, you will be rewarded with certain amount. A few part of the work rate will be taken by Amazon as a commission. Most of the works will be like completing stuffs in online mode. Example, typing given paragraph within some time. When you have reached a certain amount, you may withdraw your money. The mode of payment will be check and it is delivered to your house address.
Here is the Link ==>


ClickBank is moreover like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk but it pays lot of money than Mechanical Turk. ClickBank is a fully Affiliate marketing service where you must promote their products. Each work pays different amount. If the work need more knowledge or the difficulty level of the work is more, then affiliates will pay you more. However, a certain amount of commission will get deducted from your earnings. The product can be promoted in many ways. Using social websites, Email marketing or by website reference. ClickBank will generate a short URL of the affiliate which you can use them for promoting. When people refer using your link, you will earn money. The mode of payment will be through check. ClickBank pays people since 1998.
Here is the Link ==>


The cheap and easiest way to earn money is using the  site  Here, your work is often referred to a gig. You may do whatever the work you like. For example, if you are interested in painting, then you may just create a gig like “I will paint your picture for $5” and when people order from you, get the details from them. Here, you will be requiring a picture from the buyer. So, get the picture and complete the work within the delivery time you’ve specified. When you’ve completed painting, you may just submit it as a scanned image to the buyer. Remember, buyer may write a review after they purchase from you. When you deliver a best one, your gig will be reviewed as a good one and it may welcome more buyers to buy your gig. The payment will be delivered to you via Paypal account. For each gig you complete, you’ll be earning $5 where you’ll be getting $4 in your hand and remaining $1 will be taken by Fiverr as a commission.
Here is the Link ==>


You can do any freelancer jobs at and earn handful of money online. You may do whatever the job you are interested in. The person who wants to complete his/her work might hire you to do the job. All you need is to describe yourself about how much skills you have. Depending upon your skills and experience, people might hire you. Your reputation will also increase day by day when you complete orders. People who want their work to be completed will search depending on the category and skills. When your reputation is really high, you can get a lot of people hiring you for the job.
Here is the Link ==> Http://


Recently, when I was checking different CAPTCHA based sites to tell you about the best one, I came across ProTypers. It has some different features which attracted me. The work required from the workers is the same but the difference lies in the payment. It has different payout rates for each hour. When you login to to your account you are shown the rates for different hours and the current hour is highlighted. 

Here is the Link ==>

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water buses that can move on water and land

Wonders shall never end. In as much as the human minds keep wondering and giving birth to new ideas, the more inventions will be made in the society.  

Some thousands of years back, the idea of having a vehicle which can travel hundreds of kilometers while carrying people might have sounded strange. That was because this was thought to be impossible because of the primitiveness of that era.

This Nigerian doctor has caused commotion between ladies So many things have changed in our society now; people are becoming more creative day by day. A vehicle which can move in both water and land has been surfaced. 

These vehicles are known as water buses and have been in operation for some years now. People often use them in waterfront properties that are not accessible by land. These buses are used mainly for sightseeing.

years shares her story Water buses can move conveniently on water and land. This may not be totally new as there are amphibious aircrafts in existence already. These aircrafts can fly and land on water. The largest amphibious aircraft was introduced by China. This huge craft has features that make it look like a boat and an airplane at the same time. 

 This is exciting considering the fact that so many cars get swept by floods when we have prolonged rainfall. It is terrifying for people to get drowned while in their cars. This amphibious vehicle that can operate in both water and land may be the miracle we need. 

It is intriguing to know that something that has been seen in science fiction can happen in reality.


6 Ways to Speed Up Your Site

 The load time of websites is one of the most important factors affecting its usability; most Internet users will just skip a site altogether if it fails to load within a couple of seconds. Below you will find the summary of the “Speed Up Your Site” series. Those are simple yet effective ways to make sure that your website is running fast. You can click on each point to read the article with comments from the readers.
1. Optimize Images: always use the “Save for the web” feature included on image editing software. Images represent the heavier load on virtually any website so make sure you are optimizing them. Alternatively you can also turn to an online image optimizer.
2.Image Formats: apart from optimizing images it is important that you choose the right format. JPEG format is suitable for photographs or true-color images. The GIF format should be used with flat-color images like logos or buttons. PNG works very similar to GIF but it supports more colors.
3.Optimize Your CSS: most websites are designed with CSS nowadays. Make sure to aggregate and clean your CSS. CleanCSS is an online tool that will merge similar selectors, remove useless properties and remove the whitespace from your code.

4. Use a Slash on Your Links: when a user opens a link on the form “” the server will need to figure what kind of file or page is contained on that address. If you include a slash (/) at the end of the link the server will already know that this is a directory page, reducing the load time of the site. 
5. Use the Height and Width Tags: many people forget to add the Height and Width tags on image codes. Those tags will make sure that the browser knows the size of the image before loading it. The result is that it will reserve a spot for the images while loading the rest of the page, speeding up the whole process.

6. Reduce the HTTP Requests: when opening a web page every object (images, scripts and the line) will require a round trip to the server. This latency can add several seconds to the load time of your site. Make sure to reduce the number of objects and to combine CSS files and scripts together.


Korean War

In the 1950s, the United States fought in a war that the country never officially declared. About 5 million people, mostly Koreans, died in a three-year conflict that no one won. This conflict is known as the Korean War.
The Korean War is sometimes called America’s forgotten war. Perhaps that’s because no one wants to remember it.

Japan invaded the Korea Peninsula in 1910. It controlled Korea for 35 years, until the end of World War II. When Japan lost World War II in 1945, the Allies who won the war divided Korea in half from east to west at the 38th parallel of latitude.
The United States took charge of South Korea. The Soviet Union took charge of North Korea. The Soviet Union and the United States had been allies during World War II. But after the war, they became enemies.

Relations between the two Koreas were tense from the beginning. Neither liked being divided. After months of fighting along the dividing line, North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950.
Tens of thousands of North Korean soldiers rushed south. They captured Seoul, South Korea’s capital. They drove American and South Korean troops all the way to the southern tip of the peninsula.

Late in 1950, U.S. troops launched an invasion by sea into the enemy-occupied part of South Korea. They soon fought their way into North Korea.
China, North Korea’s powerful friend and neighbor, then sent its army to stop the Americans and push them back into South Korea.
In the summer of 1951, both sides dug in along the original dividing line, the 38th parallel. For 18 months, the armies fought terrible battles. Two of the bloodiest fights were called Pork Chop Hill and Heartbreak Ridge.

On July 27, 1953, the United Nations, North Korea, and China agreed to stop fighting. South Korea did not agree. A neutral zone 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) wide was established along the 38th parallel. Soldiers faced each other on each side of the zone.

Because South Korea refused to sign the agreement that ended the fighting, the two Koreas are still technically at war.
The dividing line at the 38th parallel is called the demilitarized zone. Nearly 1 million soldiers from the two Koreas stand guard there.

Nearly 2 million Americans served in Korea, and nearly 37,000 died. As many as 4 million Korean soldiers and citizens may have died during the fighting. China lost about 1 million people. The war that nobody won was one of the most destructive of the 20th century.
